Saturday 18 October 2008

2D Bezier Curves Demo

I like this demo! Although not graphically very exciting - it does show the potential for Bezier curves in games - Paths for nasties, cars etc. You can see from my variables names within the code, where my inspiration came from!

View Bez Demo

Demo showing Objects moving over 2D space using Bezier curves -
JW October 18th 2008


public static final int BEZ_ARCFROMTOPLEFT = 0;
public static final int BEZ_ARCFROMTOPRIGHT = 1;
public static final int BEZ_UTURNFROMTOPLEFT = 2;
public static final int BEZ_UTURNFROMTOPRIGHT = 3;
public static final int BEZ_CENTRALTOPTWIRLRIGHT = 4;
public static final int BEZ_CENTRALTOPTWIRLLEFT = 5;
public static final int BEZ_HELIXFROMTOPLEFT = 6;
public static final int BEZ_HELIXFROMTOPRIGHT = 7;
public static final int BEZ_RBEND = 8;
public static final int BEZ_RBEND_INVERTED = 9;
public static final int BEZ_DOWN_RIGHT = 10;
public static final int BEZ_DOWN_LEFT = 11;
public static final int BEZ_FLAT_LEFT_23 = 12;
public static final int BEZ_FLAT_RIGHT_23 = 13;
public static final int BEZ_FLAT_LEFT_13 = 14;
public static final int BEZ_FLAT_RIGHT_13 = 15;
public static final int BEZ_UP_RIGHT = 16;
public static final int BEZ_UP_LEFT = 17;
public static final int BEZ_S = 18;
public static final int BEZ_S_INVERTED = 19;
public static final int BEZ_FLAT_LEFT_34 = 20;
public static final int BEZ_FLAT_RIGHT_34 = 21;
public static final int BEZ_UTURNFROMBOTTOMLEFT = 22;
public static final int BEZ_UTURNFROMBOTTOMRIGHT = 23;
public static final int BEZ_SWOOPTOPLEFT_TORIGHT = 24;
public static final int BEZ_SWOOPTOPRIGHT_TOLEFT = 25;
public static final int BEZ_REVERSESINEWAVE = 26;
public static final int BEZ_COSINEWAVE = 27;
public static final int BEZ_LEFTNOSE = 28;
public static final int BEZ_RIGHTNOSE = 29;
public static final int BEZ_CSHAPE = 30;
public static final int BEZ_CSHAPE_MIRROR = 31;
public static final int BEZ_DIAGONAL_FROMTOPLEFT = 32;
public static final int BEZ_DIAGONAL_FROMTOPRIGHT = 33;
public static final int BEZ_SHEARED_S = 34;
public static final int BEZ_SHEARED_S_MIRROR = 35;
public static final int BEZ_DOWN_CENTRE = 36;

public static final int NUM_BEZIERS = 37;

int displayWidth,displayHeight ;
String mode ;
BezierCP [] bez = new BezierCP[NUM_BEZIERS] ;

// Curve table

public class BezierCP {
float cx,cy ;
float cx2,cy2 ;
float cx3,cy3 ;
float cx4,cy4 ;
public BezierCP(float cx,float cy,float cx2, float cy2, float cx3, float cy3,float cx4,float cy4)
{ = cx ; = cy ;
this.cx2 = cx2 ; this.cy2 = cy2 ;
this.cx3 = cx3 ; this.cy3 = cy3 ;
this.cx4 = cx4 ; this.cy4 = cy4 ;


float getX(float t) {
return bezierPoint(cx,cx2,cx3,cx4,t) ;


float getY(float t) {
return bezierPoint(cy,cy2,cy3,cy4,t) ;


public void draw() {
bezier(cx,cy,cx2,cy2,cx3,cy3,cx4,cy4) ;


public class Galaxian {

float time, duration ;
BezierCP gbez ; // bezier curve this Galaxian follows
boolean randomchoice = false ;
color col = color(random(255),random(255),random(255),255) ; // random colour

// Default Glaxian contructor

public Galaxian() {
time = 0f ;
duration = 4.0 ;
gbez = bez[0] ;
randomchoice = true ;

public Galaxian(BezierCP gbez,float duration) {
this.duration = duration ;
time = 0f ;
this.gbez = gbez ;

public Galaxian(int bezidx,float duration) {
this(bez[bezidx],duration) ;

public void update(float dt) {

if (time > duration) {
// Galaxian has finished - start again
time = 0f ;
if (randomchoice)
gbez = bez[(int)random(NUM_BEZIERS)] ;

} else {


time = time + dt ;


public void draw() {

debug() ; // Draw Curve the Galaxian is following.

if (time < duration) {

float t = time/duration ;
float xpos = gbez.getX(t) ;
float ypos = gbez.getY(t) ;
fill(col) ;
rect(xpos,ypos,20,20) ;


public void debug() {
noFill() ;
stroke(col) ;
gbez.draw() ;


Create a global Array of Bezier Objects -
This object is just a wrapper for a Processing Bezier Object for storing control points.


void InitBezier(int width,int height)

new BezierCP( 0, 100,
width, 0,
width/2, height/2,
width, height);

new BezierCP( width, 100,
0, 0,
width/2, height/2,
0, height);

new BezierCP( 100, -100,
100, 100.0f +height/2,
width-100, 100.0f + height/2,
width-100, 0);

new BezierCP( width-100, -100,
width-100, +200.0f + height/2,
100, +200.0f + height/2,
100, 0);

new BezierCP( width/2, 0,
width, height*0.25f,
0, height*0.75f,
width/2, height);

new BezierCP( width/2, 0,
0, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.75f,
width/2, height);

new BezierCP( 0, 0,
0, height/2,
width, height/2,
width, height);

new BezierCP( width, 0,
width, height/2,
0, height/2,
0, height);

bez[BEZ_RBEND] =
new BezierCP( width, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f,
100, height*0.25f,
100, height);
new BezierCP( 0, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f);
new BezierCP( width*0.75f, 0,
width*0.75f, 0,
width*0.75f, height,
width*0.75f, height);
new BezierCP( width*0.25f, 0,
width*0.25f, 0,
width*0.25f, height,
width*0.25f, height);
bez[BEZ_FLAT_LEFT_23] =
new BezierCP( width, height*0.33f,
width, height*0.33f,
0, height*0.33f,
0, height*0.33f);
bez[BEZ_FLAT_RIGHT_23] =
new BezierCP( 0, height*0.33f,
0, height*0.33f,
width, height*0.33f,
width, height*0.33f);
bez[BEZ_FLAT_LEFT_34] =
new BezierCP( width, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f,
0, height*0.25f,
0, height*0.25f);
bez[BEZ_FLAT_RIGHT_34] =
new BezierCP( 0, height*0.25f,
0, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f,
width, height*0.25f);
bez[BEZ_FLAT_LEFT_13] =
new BezierCP( width, height*0.66f,
width, height*0.66f,
0, height*0.66f,
0, height*0.66f);
bez[BEZ_FLAT_RIGHT_13] =
new BezierCP( 0, height*0.66f,
0, height*0.66f,
width, height*0.66f,
width, height*0.66f);
new BezierCP( width*0.75f, height,
width*0.75f, height,
width*0.75f, 0,
width*0.75f, 0);
bez[BEZ_UP_LEFT] =
new BezierCP( width*0.25f, height,
width*0.25f, height,
width*0.25f, 0,
width*0.25f, 0);
bez[BEZ_S] =
new BezierCP( width/2, 0,
0, 0,
width, height*0.66f,
width/2, height);
new BezierCP( width/2, 0,
width, 0,
0, height*0.66f,
width/2, height);

new BezierCP( 0, height,
0, -100,
width, -100,
width+100, height+100);

new BezierCP( width, height+100,
width, -100,
0, -100,
-100, height+100);

new BezierCP( 100, -100,
200, height-400,
200, height-400,
width+100, height-200);

new BezierCP( width-100, -100,
width-200, height-400,
width-200, height-400,
-100, height-200);

new BezierCP( width+100, 100,
200, 100,
width+100, height-200,
-100, height-200);

new BezierCP( -100, 100,
width+100, 100,
200, height-200,
width+100, height-200);

new BezierCP( width/2 - 100, -100,
width/2 + 200, 200,
-800, 400,
width+100, height-200);

new BezierCP( width/2 + 100, -100,
width/2 - 200, 200,
width+800, 400,
-100, height-200);

new BezierCP( width + 100, 0,
-200, 0,
-200, height-100,
width+100, height-100);

new BezierCP( -100, 0,
width+200, 0,
width+200, height-100,
-100, height-100);

new BezierCP( -100, 0,
-100, 0,
width/2, height+100,
width/2, height+100);

new BezierCP( width+100, 0,
width+100, 0,
width/2, height+100,
width/2, height+100);

new BezierCP( -100, 50,
width+600, 180,
-1000, 360,
width+100, height-50);

new BezierCP( width+100, 50,
-600, 180,
width+1000, 360,
-100, height-50);

new BezierCP( width/2, -100,
width/2, -100,
width/2, height+100,
width/2, height+100);


Define some Galaxians

int MAX_GALAXIANS = 20 ;

Galaxian [] galaxians = new Galaxian[MAX_GALAXIANS] ;

void setup() {

mode = JAVA2D ;

displayHeight = screen.height/2 ;
displayWidth = screen.width/2 ;
InitBezier(displayWidth,displayHeight) ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < galaxians.length ; i++) {
galaxians[i] = new Galaxian((int)random(NUM_BEZIERS),2.0f + random(4.0f)) ; // pick a random Bezier 'curve' and a random duration between 2 and 6 seconds


size(displayWidth, displayHeight,mode);
loop() ;


void draw() {
float dt = 1/frameRate ; // We should calculate dt - time passed since last update-draw
// but this should be approx equal to 1 / frameRate

// Update the Galaxians
for (int i = 0 ; i < galaxians.length ; i++) {
galaxians[i].update(dt) ;

// Draw Galaxians

for (int i = 0 ; i < galaxians.length ; i++) {
galaxians[i].draw() ;


1 comment:

lazydog said...

John, I have downloaded the IDE and got it working with your Bezier code! Looks good!

I see the top left corner of the rectangles is the origin.

b e n